Anyone who has the chance to visit Vung Tau and eat fish, crab, and seafood here cannot forget wonderful “ shark catfish braised in clay pot ” which has moreish folk taste. Shark catfish has greasy meat and a lot of omega 3 fatty acid. It is also good for health and can be used to cook many dishes such like: shark cat braised in clay pot, shark catfish soup, dried shark catfish deep-fried in fish sauce and chili or simmered with tomatoes and dill, etc. Among those dishes, shark catfish braised in clay pot is easy to cook and digest. Besides, greasiness of fish mingled perfectly with plant fat creates a very special dish.
Raw materials:
– 5 slices of shark catfish
– 1 soup- spoon of oil
– 1 coffee-spoon of coconut food coloring
– 1 soup-spoon of sugar
– 1 coffee-spoon of seasoning
– 2 soup-spoons of high-quality fish sauce
– 1 coffee-spoon of white pepper powder
– A little spring onion
– A little sliced purple onion
– 2 segments of crushed garlic
– 2 chilies
Step 1: Cut fresh fish into 4 – 5 slices of 4 centimeters. After that, aromatize fish with seasoning, food coloring, fish sauce, onion and pepper in 5 – 10 minutes.
Step 2: Put fish in the clay pot and pour oil into it. Put sugar, garlic, spring onion on the surface, add chilies and a little pepper powder.
Step 3: Cook fish over high heat, do not turn fish over until they are boiling and cooked on one side; water is viscid, yellow and has the smell of purple onion. When braising fish, you should add a little coconut water or water (about a half of the pot) so that fish absorb braising water well.
Step 4: Cover the pot until it is boiling and fish are cooked on one side, then turn them over and turn down the stove. Continue to braise fish until water is viscid, then flavor it again so that it is tasty.
Tip: Shark catfish braised in clay pot is very delicious with hot cooked rice.
Address: 306 – 308 Le Van Sy Street, Ward 1, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Specializing in serving Seafood – Special dishes – Folk dishes
“The First highland pig roasted in jar and chopped on flat winnowing basket”
Telephone: (08) 3 9918 964 (5 lines)
Consultancy & Reservation: 0906.79.79.32
Email: lienhe@nhahangquangon.com
Website: https://www.nhahangquangon.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/QuaNgon